Hands-on - Monday July 2nd, 16:00-18:00
Please make sure to bring your laptop with the required tools installed on it.
- Session title: Hands-on Process Mining Session
- Session lecturer: Anne Rozinat from Fluxicon
- Objectives: Learn how to use process mining yourself in this hands-on session. You will use the process mining software Disco (see https://fluxicon.com/disco/) to follow the demonstrations and follow the exercises. Please make sure to download the software before the summer school. If you encounter any difficulty, you can contact Anne Rozinat at: anne@fluxicon.com.
- Requirements: Prior knowledge in data science and/or process analytics is preferred but not required.
Hands-on - Tuesday July 3rd, 16:00-18:00
- Session title: Hands-on Software Process Mining with ProM
- Organizer: Architecture of Information Systems (AIS) group at TU/e https://www.win.tue.nl/ais/
- Session lecturer: Maikel Leemans, Cong Liu and Boudewijn van Dongen
- Objectives: In this hands-on session, you will learn how to import and inspect your software event log in the free and open source process mining tool “ProM”. At the end of this part, you will be able to use ProM and answer the following questions:
- I have an event log from software execution. How can I import it in ProM?
- From where do I start my analysis and what to analyze?
- How can I inspect my data? How can I get a bird’s-eye view?
- How my software is being really executed? How can I discover its process?
- How can I analyze the performance of my software and detect bottlenecks?
- How can I investigate design pattern compliance?
- Tools: ProM 6 nightly build, available via http://www.promtools.org/doku.php?id=nightly Please note that an internet access is required for the first time your run ProM. The first run will also take a while to download all required packages.
- Data: You can download the JUnit dataset from here: https://data.4tu.nl/repository/uuid:cfed8007-91c8-4b12-98d8-f233e5cd25bb
- Requirements: Prior knowledge in software analytics, data science and/or business process management (BPM) is preferred but not required.