Minutes Big Software on the Run, March 23, 2016
Present: | |
Annibale Panichella, Arnd Hartmanns, Boudewijn van Dongen, Cong Liu, Gamze Tillem, Huub van de Wetering, Inald Lagendijk, Jaco van der Pol, Mozhan Soltani, Nour Assy, Sicco Verwer , Zekeriya Erkin | |
Absent: | |
Arie van Deursen, Jack van Wijk, Jaco van de Pol, Mariëlle Stoelinga, Maikel Leemans, Marieke Huisman, Wil van der Aalst, Vincent Bloemen, Moritz Beller, Eric Verbeec |
1) Welcome and discussion action points meeting December 04 (Boudewijn on behalf of Wil)
Below are three lists of (i) the action points that are either still pending or ongoing, (ii) new defined ones and (iii) the action points that remain active for the whole project.
Pending action points:
[(URGENT) Action point (Jaco): Fill-in missing PhD position.] P.s: One candidate was recruited but has stopped at the end of the process
[Action point (Arie): Get in touch with Eclipse to obtain data from error-reporting or usage.] P.s: agreements have been made; may have answer next month but uncertain if data can be shared
[Action point (Arie): Get in touch with LogStack / Log4J / Holistic search / Kibana.] ongoing
[Action point (Sicco): Setting up a software-mining competition.] ongoing P.s: need for real data, Sicco and Cong will generate data
[Action point (Sicco): Data generated by app-fuzzing.]
[Action point (Arie): Provide pointers to interesting parties working on continuous deployment / DevOps.]
[Action point (Arie): Discuss with people working on GHTorrent.] ongoing
New action points:
[(URGENT) Action point (Jack, Huub): Fill-in the available vacancy, can be PhD or postdoc]
[Action point (Boudewijn): send BPI website and datasets links to Sicco]
[Action point (Nour, Gamze, Mozhan): send the description of Eindhoven and Delft works to Marielle for the article in Bits and Chips magazine before April 10th]
Some action points are active during the whole project, please do not forget them:
[Action point (All): send your latest news related to BSR project (e.g. accepted articles, presentations at workshops/conferences, prototypes, etc.) to Nour to add them to the website.]
[Action point (Nour): continuously update the BSR website with new contents and latest news.]
[Action point (All): Share your slides, minutes, documents in DropBox]
[Action point (All): Share your dataset on GitHub even small ones]
2) Winter school status (Boudewijn on behalf of Wil)
We discussed the current organization status of the winter school that we aim to organize next October and the next steps to be taken. The time is running out and we need to have the list of speakers and the program as soon as possible.
An overview of the completed organization tasks can be found in the slides (BSR-WS) shared in DropBox. In the following, we summarize the main things we discussed and the action points we defined:
Completed tasks:
- Location + Date: The school is scheduled in the week of October 23rd – 29th in Hotel de Paasberg, Ede, the Netherlands. Three meals are offered; drinks during dinner are excluded.
- Dutch research schools: the school is endorsed by SIKS, ASCI and IPA. SIKS and ASCI will support their students financially, IPA will not. 3 ECTS points will be provided without a specific assignment. We agreed that we decide on proposing specific assignments when the question arises from participants.
- Fees of participation: 250 euros - 350 euros (in case of single rooms) for participants from Dutch research schools and 450 euros for others.
- 1st call for participation is already sent for many public mailing lists including those well known in software engineering and software testing.
Ongoing tasks + action points:
- Speakers: We already compiled a first list of speakers; Arie sent the invitations, get some responses and invited other people in case of no response or declination. Currently, we have one speaker that has accepted:
- Margaret Anne-Storey (university of Victoria, qualitative research methods)
We cannot wait until receiving responses; we have already a list of ~15 speakers from which we can invite more. Sicco also proposed to invite speakers from the seminar “Machine Learning for Dynamic Software Analysis: Potentials and Limits” held on April 24th-27th (http://www.dagstuhl.de/program/calendar/partlist/?semnr=16172&SUOG).
[(URGENT) Action point (Nour, Arie): check the speakers in the seminar and invite people who are more likely to accept]
- Program: the actual program seems to be dense. The day finishes at 19:30 which is too late and the poster session is only 30 min which is too short. The hands-on sessions are too short. The followings have been proposed:
- Make the lunch 1 hour instead of 1:30
- Shift the hands-on session and make them 2 hours instead of 1 hour
- Depending on the speakers and sessions, cut in the rest of program to finish around 6:00
- Make poster sessions during all breaks and lunch times.
[(URGENT) Action point (Wil, Nour): fix the program to take into account the aforementioned ideas]
Hands-on and BSR lecture sessions can be filled from now on.
[Action point (Nour): create an online document for filling-out the hands-on and BSR lectures sessions]
[(URGENT) Action point (BSR lecturers): each lecturer defines her/his session topic (title + small abstract) before April 30th]
[Action points (All): each partner proposes an outline for his hands-on session before May 15th]
- Sponsors: We agreed that we do not need sponsors but in case there are opportunities, they should be from outside the project consortium (so NIRICT is not an option).
- Proceedings: We do not want to have the school as a conference event. So participants will not submit papers. Only abstracts from speakers could be included in a digital form. We will go for CEUR proceedings.
[Action point (Nour): contact CEUR and ask about the procedure]
- Promotional activities: We can start from now on preparing draft versions of the poster and flyer without the names of the external speakers.
[(URGENT) Action point (Postdocs and PhDs): prepare first versions of flyers and posters before April 30th] Inald also proposed to have some interesting promotional activities during the school days (e.g. printing posters on T-shirts). This can be taken into account as the school dates come closer.
3) Data generation and distribution
Collaboration cannot start if we are not able to work on common data. All partners are asked to share their data, even small ones, on GitHub.
[Action point (Sicco, Cong): generate large datasets from software execution (ProM or decide on another software) for the software mining competition and share on GitHub]
[Action point (Arnd): share data for concurrent software on GitHub]
[Action point (Annibale): share datasets from open source projects generated through test cases on GitHub]
5) Final decisions on infrastructure (Boudewijn)
There is a budget of 100k (2016: 60k, 2017: 40k). At TU/e, 30k is spent to purchase two Dell T630 machines for 15K each. They are hosted in KPN Datacenter (detailed bill can be found in the documents shared by Boudewijn in DropBox). Currently, the installation is preliminary but you can have access to the servers. If you need so, please contact Nour to give you access.
[Action point (Nour): give access to users to the preliminary installation in Eindhoven]
In our previous meeting we discussed the possibility of DAS5 extension by 8 nodes. Boudewijn had several exchanges with DAS5 people and get an offer (can be found in the documents shared in DropBox). However, the offer price changed from 44k to 60k and Jaco suggested integrating the extension in Twente local hadoop cluster (offer also shared in DropBox). After discussion on the requirements for each university, we agreed to go with UT offer. Note that, we are not forced to use Hadoop, the runtime of the job is not limited and the offer is extendable.
[Action point (Jaco): ensure the setup of the UT offer] [Action point (Boudewijn): inform Henri Bal about our final decision]
4) Round table discussion on the PhD program day
The first PhD program day was successful. There are many doors for collaborations that will start from now. To foster collaborations, we agreed to have a day each two months where PhDs and postdocs discuss about their joint work progress. Next meeting will be in May in Utrecht. The date will be selected based on the availabilities of PhDs and postdocs.
[Action point (Nour): create a doodle to schedule the PhD program day in May.]
[Action point (Nour): send the program agenda before May 1st.]
[Action point (All): share your slides in DropBox.]
6) Industry Contact
We need to promote BSR for industries. We proposed to prepare flyers for BSR.
[Action point (Jaco, Arie, Wil): prepare flyers (few slides) to promote BSR.]
[Action point (Boudewijn, Huub): get in touch with magnaview and ask for data.]
[Action point (Huub): share the dataset for software execution from Philips if available on GitHub]
7) Planning for next meeting
Next meeting of whole consortium will be on Friday, June 24 at the University of Twente in Enschede. As the PhD program days will be organized regularly each two months, we agreed to have one meeting day starting from 10:15 until 17:00. The day will be split into BSR management discussion in the morning and a program of talks in the afternoon for PhDs and postdocs.
[Action point (Arnd): provide the program before June 1st.]